Monday, October 30, 2006

Tell Me Why...

Tell me Why I don't like Mondays being played on a Thursday?

Cum Ova...

Cum Ova.

That's how the trouble begins...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Things Not To Say To Butchers # 292...

I'll have a piece of your best gib.

Cos I like it.

Simple Creature...

I'm a simpler creature than you.

Don't try to fix me.

You're the one who's broken...

Get Over It...

The truth is that I cut it.

And you don't.

So get over it.

Get It???

Does fungus get it?

Excuses Excuses...

Don't use me as your excuse.

I don't use you for mine.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Shinjuries...injuries sustained to the shins

Hormotional emotional condition brought on by one's one hormones

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Scared Cake...

We were at the Park...

Me: There's lot of birds around here, huh?

My Little Son: Don't say that to my cake- you'll make it scared.

Not Dead Yet...

I've been dying now for 11060 days.