Monday, February 20, 2006

Give Me A Job...

I am thirty two years old, have a university degree and yet can't get a job stacking supermarket shelves. I have finished breeding and believe that I am strong, honest and reliable.

Please give me a job.


No Such Luck...

I had rather hoped that the object that rubbed against my lips last night was nothing more than cigarette butt.

No such luck.

There was a dead cockroach in my beer.

Monday, February 06, 2006

I'd Stop What I'm Doing...

If my Hubby would have sex with me.

Right Now.

Open Letter To Cockroaches...

To all the cockroaches in the world

I just can't let you live.


I Have Discovered...

The Missing Link.

And his name is...Golden Shower Boy.

A Little Lesson In Theology...

There is no god.

A god would eat Cancer for breakfast.

And I'm not talking about seafood.